Congratulations to Rebekah Grey, Frisco High School and Caleb Wong, McKinney Christian Academy for being selected as the NTRP Scholarship recipients for 2014! Rebekah relocated from Statesboro, GA and Caleb relocated from Britburg, Germany.

Rebekah Grey with Parents
Caleb Wong with parents & sister
Scholarship presented by Adriana Mora to Rebekah Grey |
Scholarship presented by Adriana Mora to Caleb Wong |
The North Texas Relocation Professionals presented a pair of $1000 scholarships for two deserving seniors in the Dallas/Fort Worth area at our May 1st breakfast meeting. Worldwide ERC® contributed an additional scholarships of $500 dollars each, bringing the total scholarship awarded to each recipient to $1,500.00.
NTRP sent scholarship applications to area schools on February 1, 2014 with a requested completion date on April 10, 2015.
Each student had to meet the following requirements to qualify for the award:
Currently a senior in good standing in a Dallas/Fort Worth area accredited high school.
Relocated between grades 9 and 12.
Relocated more than 50 miles and changed schools due to their family's relocation.
Currently have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (or equivalent achievement on a different scale).
Scholarship winners were invited to attend our Breakfast meeting on Thursday May 1, 2014 to read their winning essays.
Bruce Waller, CRP
NTRP Scholarship Chair